"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8

Even though this passage speaks of God's grace...it reminds me that when I think I know what's best, I really need to fall on my face and surrender my will to His.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Even Little Ones Love Live Foods

It never ceases to amaze me that our little one year old ATTACKS most dishes that I prepare which are raw/living food. She LOVES the salsa I have shared earlier and will eat it by the spoon fulls with avocado cubes mixed in. She also begs for my homemade hummus with bell peppers. Sometimes she can't even wait until the recipes are finished! I was making honey cinnamon flax crackers the other day and she demanded that I give her some of the "batter" to eat immediately. The next day when they were done dehydrating, she was excited to partake in the finished product. It is so much fun to allow the children to eat the raw foods I am putting together at any stage of preparation because the nutrients do not change and there is no dangerous bacteria to worry about :o).

To health,


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