"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8

Even though this passage speaks of God's grace...it reminds me that when I think I know what's best, I really need to fall on my face and surrender my will to His.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Processed Meat Up Close and Personal

I just ran across these photos of magnified processed meats and their ingredients. I guess if people actually took the time to LOOK at what they were feeding their body, they might think twice before inserting :o). My next blog will cover the sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate that are key preservatives in foods just like these....DANGEROUS and CANCER CAUSING....scientific studies proved this, but the FDA still allows it to be used for consumption by a trusting public.

Mystery Meat Macrophotography

Viewer discretion is advised :o)....these do get "graphic," and it might upset your stomach! All kidding aside, these pictures were a great reminder of why our family has chosen to no longer eat these processed mystery meats.

To your health,


1 comment:

Diane said...

We gave up processed meat years ago, and especially nitrates. I still love bacon (baaaad, but gooood) although Niman Ranch sells bacon with no nitrites/nitrates. Since we've been living here though, we've switched from eating bacon pieces to just cooking a few and chopping them up to use as flavoring. And boy, there's STILL nothing better than the aroma of cooking bacon! Makes me salivate just thinking about it! :)