"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8

Even though this passage speaks of God's grace...it reminds me that when I think I know what's best, I really need to fall on my face and surrender my will to His.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Why Almond Milk?

I am so deeply saddened that we think we are doing the best for our families, but in reality the information we learn about nutrition early on is never challenged or questioned. Please watch this video on cow's milk, and then you will understand why our family opts to drink almond milk instead.

This is a wonderful demonstration on how to make almond milk. It may take a little while for your family's taste buds to change because the almond milk lacks the heavy fat of cow's milk. You can ease the transition by first using it in cereals, smoothies, etc. before offering the almond milk as a beverage. We rarely drink it straight because we want our children to have enough plain water each day to help hydrate and cleanse their systems.

Something to think about :o).


1 comment:

Kampfgruppe Hoppa said...

Trust me, this is good tastin' stuff.